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Drone Is Your Own Personal Multifunctional Gadget – Few best drones in India; List of 5 best drones:

We know the fact that need is the mother of invention and the gadget which we are going to discuss is now gradually plays an important part in almost everyone’s life This really very new technology which has been introduced recently but now its very popular across globe. Let’s discuss about the drone technology and the best drones in India.

Drone our personal assistant : 

The Drone, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle or flying mini robots are rapidly growing these days one of the reasons is the Lockdown due to COVID19, but we are using this since long back.From photography to the delivery of products are now a days being done by the drone. this is not merely because it reduce the variable cost to the company but also deliver timely and accurately and low contact delivery is also possible. 

I was going through an article wrote by Divya Joshi which was published on 18th december 2019 in https://www.businessinsider.in. How the drone technology is growing so rapidly and its consequences are explained in this very nicely.

In the past few years We have noticed the significance of drone in Law enforcement and border control surveillance, in the one hand it monitors the activities of the people during lockdown and on the other hand it also monitors the activities of enemies on the border. We are in the era where everything needs to be very fast and accurate as well. Moreover the importance of drone in the field of Aerial photography for journalism and film are very common.Some of the other works that can be done by the help of drone are : 

  •   Express shipping and delivery
    Gathering information or supplying essentials for disaster management
  • Thermal sensor drones for search and rescue operations
  • Geographic mapping of inaccessible terrain and locations
  • Precision crop monitoring
  • Storm tracking and forecasting hurricanes and tornadoes

According to Burning Glass, technical skills now dominate in terms of the sheer number of competencies demanded in job descriptions more than cognitive and soft skills combined for virtually every career.

Commercialization of Drone :

Many companies now a days working with drones for their daily operations. However, their operations are closely monitored by the employees.Gradually the automation of the projects and the use of technology will reduce the no of jobs. 

The market for commercial and civilian drones will grow at a CAGR of 19% between 2015 and 2020 compared with the 5% growth on the military side according to BI Intelligence , Business Insider’s premium research service.

The commercial drone industries are very new but the major funds are being given by the Chip Companies and IT consulting firms. soon the sophisticated drones could soon be             doing the everyday works.

Personal Drone Technology :

Now a days civilian drones are also in the great demand because the people across world are gradually dependent on technology platforms.BI Intelligence expects sales of drones to top $12 billion in 2021. However the expected money that can be spent on drones by the people will be around $17 billion. In future the size ,shape and the functionality may get changed according to the requirement. The development of the technology in this field is growing by leaps and bounds and will come up with more safer and dependable drones.

We always want to do things very quickly this is a common human tendency and the only way to do that is by the help of technology. Mass adoption is one of the problems as the technology is very costly and it can’t be affordable for all, reason the companies are more emphasizing on making cost and trying to reduce the cost of making of these drones.We will discuss in details about the the best drones in India. 


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